Treatment of prostatitis in men, drugs, folk remedies

how to treat prostatitis in men

Prostatitis is one of the diseases that can delight even the strongest man, and treatment for this disease should begin at the first sign.

You should not be guided by numerous advertisements and reviews on the Internet - you can only start fighting the disease after a precise diagnosis and recommendations from the doctor.

How is prostatitis treated in men, drugs, folk remedies - what exactly to choose for positive results?

Medicines that effectively treat the disease

Choosing a drug that is sure to relieve anxiety and uncomfortable symptoms is best left to the doctor, who must first perform a number of necessary tests. The diagnosis can help determine what stage of development the disease is and whether additional measures are needed. When treating, one should not forget that each male body has its own characteristics, they should be taken into account when choosing drugs.

Depending on the symptoms and complications associated with the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following:

  1. pain relievers;
  2. antibacterial drugs;
  3. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  4. adrenergic blockers;
  5. Medicines that help normalize blood flow.

Often an integrated approach is required, using different types of drugs with different degrees of effectiveness. If the disease has no complications, then it is quite possible to use just one or two drugs.

After the doctor has carried out the necessary examinations, the treatment of prostatitis in men is prescribed, drugs and folk remedies - it is quite possible that the doctor will recommend a combination of herbal compositions and pharmaceutical preparations in the first stages.

Folk remedies for prostatitis - as much as possible to defeat an unpleasant disease

Having made a decision to independently treat prostatitis in men, drugs and folk remedies, it will surely help in a speedy recovery from the disease. If only formulations based on herbal raw materials are used according to recipes of alternative medicine, then in any case you need to get the permission of a doctor who will determine the degree of development of the disease. In the early stages, home remedies are quite capable of defeating the disease.

The easiest and most effective way to deal with the disease quickly and without great effort is to use the pumpkin seed treatment. Their main advantage is the content of a large amount of zinc, which has a wonderful effect on the causative agents of the disease.

You don't have to prepare any special medicine, just eat 30-35 grams a day. this valuable product. It is important that the seeds are not roasted, but simply dried well. You can drink them with water or simply grind them into a fine powder that can be mixed with a small amount of honey.

Propolis for prostatitis - a simple and effective medicine

Propolis has an excellent effect on inflammatory processes in the body and has antispasmodic properties. On the basis of this bee product, you can make a medicine that will cope with a disease at any stage of development. Compositions made on the basis of propolis can be used in combination with other means, both with alternative medicine and purchased at the pharmacy.

Preparation of the composition and application of the product:

  1. Mix 180 ml of alcohol and 50 g. Propolis, place on low heat and let evaporate for half an hour.
  2. Take 1 ml of the resulting mixture and mix it with 5 g. Cocoa butter, make a little candle.
  3. Insert the prepared product into the anus before going to bed.

Duration of treatment - up to a month and a half. After that, you can take a short break (2-3 weeks) and continue using candles. Store a mixture based on alcohol and propolis in a cold place until it is completely hardened - it does not deteriorate and does not lose its useful properties.

Chestnuts for prostatitis are an effective medicine

Ordinary chestnuts can also be used to make a wonderful remedy that can cure a disease in just three long courses. Before the treatment, you should be prepared for the fact that the composition significantly increases appetite, so it is quite possible to gain a few extra pounds.

the use of chestnuts to treat prostatitis

Drug preparation:

  1. Collect ripe chestnuts and remove their hard brown skin.
  2. Grind the peel to a fine powder. You need approx. 70 g to make the product. Substances.
  3. Pour boiling water (600 ml) from the powder obtained from the bowl and leave it under the lid overnight.
  4. In the morning after filtration, send the liquid to the water bath.
  5. Evaporate the medicine until there are only 250 ml.

Take the medicine in small doses - only 25 drops. The number of appointments is no more than three per day. Take the product only before meals. You can drink it with liquid, but in a small amount.

Continue treatment until the end of the prepared composition. After that, take a break (a month and a half) and continue taking the chestnut-based drug.

Healing infusion against illness

Treatment can be carried out with an infusion, which is not difficult to prepare. The drug has notable anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, relieves discomfort and pain.

Manufacture of the product:

  1. Grind to 30 g of fine powder with a coffee grinder. Parsley seeds.
  2. Chop 20 g with a knife. Marigold inflorescences.
  3. Pour the prepared plant material with 260 ml of boiling water and let it steep for an hour and a half.
  4. Filters the prepared composition.

Drink the prepared product up to 6 times a day, only 25 ml each time. The prerequisite is that the treatment is only carried out before meals. The last dose should be taken an hour and a half before going to bed, as the infusion has an excellent diuretic effect.

You can combine the treatment with an infusion of propolis-based suppositories. The effects will not be long in coming and the disease will subside within a few weeks. The remedy made from parsley and marigold has no contraindications, but it can cause side effects - short-term nausea or mild dizziness. In such cases, further treatment is undesirable, it is better to use other non-traditional means.

Treatment of prostatitis in men, drugs, folk remedies - there are not so few ways to get rid of the disease, and you can quickly cope with an unpleasant disease, especially if you respond immediately. You should not try to independently influence the disease - only under the supervision of a doctor will the treatment be most effective, and not necessarily with pharmaceutical preparations.